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Jewish History Uncensored

Aug 31, 2023

In this episode we look at the issue of how to define the term, ‘Banoni’. Tanya has a well known and fascinating way to define the term. In order to understand the issue better, we examine the different places in Shas that this term is used and also look at how the term was classically defined. We specifically take...

Aug 24, 2023

In this episode we take a deeper look at how the Tanya explains the importance of doing a mitzva properly. We also look at the response of R Chaim Volozhin to this. We also take a practical look at when a person should be adding on extras to their mitzva performance.

Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on...

Aug 17, 2023

In this week’s episode we look at how the Tanya explains the importance of doing a mitzva lishma. We also look at why there is more interest in what are called, ‘pnimius of Torah’, today than there was in the past. How is authority and duty viewed today? How did it used to be viewed in the past? How does...

Aug 10, 2023

In this episode we discuss the statement found in many contemporary publications that call Tanya, Chassidic Philosophy. Is this an accurate description of Tanya? What is the basic difference between how people in the Chassidic world and people in the Litvish world will try to improve their fulfillment of mitzvas? How...

Aug 3, 2023

In this episode we look some of the basic issues that Tanya discusses. We similarly look at how commonly are the Tanya’s statements included in general discussion of these issues. One of the Vilna Gaon’s greatest historical legacies is the primacy of the sugya. How does the Vilna Gaon define the sugya? Should the...