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Jewish History Uncensored

Aug 26, 2021

In this episode we take a deeper look at the Ari’s approach to Haalas Nitzotzim. We also examine the difference between the Ari’s application of Haalas Nitzotzim and the Besht’s application of Haalas Nitzotzim. Why did the Vilna Gaon argue with the Besht and not with the Ari? How much of the Vilna Gaon’s...

Aug 19, 2021

Episode 52 - Tzimtzum - The Vilna Gaon’s approach 

 In this episode we carefully look at the Vilna Gaon’s understanding of Tzimtzum. Does the Vilna Gaon in fact directly argue with those who hold Tzimtzum should not be understood literally? How does the Vilna Gaon understand the spiritual structure that gives our...

Aug 12, 2021

In this episode we take a more in-depth look at Tzimtzum. We also see what stand Chassidus takes in the machlokes between R' Emanuel Chai Ricco and R' Yosef Irgus about the issue.  We exploret the connection between how Chassidus understands Tzimtzum and the issue of Hoshgocha Pratis. We also take a practical look at...

Aug 5, 2021

In this episode we start looking at what the Gaon meant when he accused the Chassidim of infringing on, ‘Kibud Av’. We also look at the basic issues surrounding the topic of Tzimtzum. We examine the basic concepts of Tzimtzum.  We look at the machlokes between R' Emanuel Chai Ricco and R' Yosef Irgun if should we...