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Jewish History Uncensored

Apr 28, 2022

 In this episode we look at some of the keys lessons of the Holocaust. Why should we remember the Holocaust? Is remembering the Holocaust a way to prevent a future tragedy? Was the Holocaust the greatest tragedy in Jewish History? Is there something that makes the Holocaust a unique crime? 

Nach Yomi: Join R'...

Apr 18, 2022

The War of Gog and Magog is a topic that most people, even those with solid Torah knowledge are confused about. Who is Gog? Who or what is Magog? Why are people so confused about Gog and Magog? Does the Russian Ukrainian war that is happening have anything to do with it? How do we understand the statements attributed to...

Apr 13, 2022

In this episode we look at how to practically implement the lessons of Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s legendary knowledge into our lives. What practical steps can we take that will get us on the way to knowing all of Torah. We also look at the legendary stories surrounding R Chaim Kanievsky זצ"ל. How do we understand them?...

Apr 5, 2022

In this episode we look at Rav Chaim זצ״ל  and his broad appeal to all segments of Jewry in Israel. What was special about R Chaim? Why were so many parts of the Jewish World able to appreciate the loss? When was the last time this happened? 

Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek...