Nov 26, 2020
Episode 14 -GAON V - The Vilna Gaon’s Unfulfilled Ambitious Projects
In this episode we look at the Vilna Gaon’s most ambitious projects that he ultimately was not able to complete. His project of writing a final and fully definitive version of Shulchan Aruch and his attempted Aliyah to Israel. Are these two projects connected? Is there anyway to know when they happened? How much documentation is there about his Aliya?
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein is a well known Torah scholar, Tanach expert, and Historian. He has lectured in the Mir Yeshiva, Torat Shraga, and and many Shuls internationally.
These podcasts integrate his broad knowledge of many different facets of Torah and History.
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(CedarMedia Podcasting 2020)